hire your

fullmeta programmist

Old hats wielding boring tools to remove magic from software systems. We do it on JVM and .NET

ClojureErlangJava 18+.NETTypeScriptPythonGoElixir
Fullmeta Clojure (C) Fullmeta Capital Ltd.

Who we are

We are a Clojure SWAT team when we can, .NET and modern Java when we must. We can target web-platform with TypeScript, ES6 , WebAssembly; we build distributed systems with Erlang/OTP and Go; train ML models and build AI-powered tools with Python. Experienced, responsible, responsive and thoughtful. We are graduates of Facebook, Yandex, Amazon. We also spent years in startup trenches and launched products from the ground up.

Total team experience
84 years
Median team experience
9 years
Median Clojure experience
7+ years

We built compilers, REACT UIs, backends, templating engines, DSLs, expert systems, anti-fraud systems, compliance and trading platforms, AI / ML driven assistants, dev tools at Facebook monorepo scale, integrations with APIs like Open Banking for lending platforms, cryptocurrency runtimes, etc.

Our Team

Our secret weapon. We've known each other for years, worked and built many products and software systems together. Search, infrastructure, anti-fraud, systems programming, trading, compliance, blockchains, even online gaming - our collective experience makes us unique. We won't have all the answers but we sure learnt how to ask the right questions.

  • Vlad K.

    Engineer, CTO

    Available now

    London, UK

    Former Barclays Capital, Renaissance Capital, Yandex. Mathematician turned investment banker, turned programmer. I wrote compilers, DSLs, pattern matching systems, blockchain VMs, expert sysems for compliant trading, web services. UK Global Talent awardee. Launched git.ht. Launched Sergeant Drill

  • Eugene K.


    Available now

    London, UK

    PhD in CS. Former Facebook, where I built static analysis and refactoring tools. Serial entrepreneur: built and sold two companies. Former competitive programmer. C++, C#, Python, TypeScript. Enterprise Systems Architect from Carnegie Mellon. UK Global Talent awardee.

  • Ayk S.


    Available now

    London, UK

    Mathematician turned programmer. Former Credit Suisse and a few other investment banks. Senior, then lead, then 100% contractor. Intimately familiar with .NET. Compute clusters, massive batch jobs, distributed system and C# is where it's at for me.

  • Dmitry Y.

    Data scientist

    Available N/A

    Seattle, US

    Mathematician. PhD in Mathematics. Professor. Former AmEx. Former senior manager in demand forcasting at Amazon. Data scientist, Kaggle Grandmaster . Trying my hand at ML on the JVM. Recovering Scala programmer.

  • Andrew T.


    Available now

    Tbilisi, GE

    Physicist turned programmer. I did Clojure at scale in US healthcare. Hardcore lisper and a GNU Guix core contributor. I take programmer productivity and tooling seriously. I make it my job to have every system we build reproducible and manageable. When I DevOps a single engineer can do maintenance. I make sure distributed teams work as cohesive unit.

  • Ivan G.


    Available now

    Yerevan, AM

    8+ years with Clojure and ClojureScript. I maintain over a dozen widely used Clojure libraries. Intimately familiar with Java interop, Graal VM, systems programming in Clojure and at JVM level. Authored and published two Clojure books. Helped startups in US, UK, Switzerland, all over Europe.

  • Alex B.

    Data scientist

    Available now

    London, UK

    Mathematician. Data scientist. Former Tinkoff. I train and fine-tune NN models and write Python. Lots and lots of Python. Myself and that other, what's his name, ChatGPT fellow are the junior devs of the team.

  • Alex S.


    Available now

    Arizona, US

    Maths, physics, chemistry. I designed, built and maintained an expert system for compliant trading that still runs inside Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley among others. Compilers, distributed ledgers and hash tables, core contributor to Urbit. White hat hacker and reverse engineer. Polyglot programmer: Clojure, Java, Common Lisp, OCaml, C#, F#, Haskell, Ruby, Go, C and more.

  • Pavel K.

    Chief CSS fixer

    Available now

    Buenos Aires, AR

    Former Yandex. For many years I did all the layout and styling of the Yandex News aggregator read by millions of people daily. I do web platform, JavaScript, TypeScript and CSS so you don't have to. Not only am I good at it, I enjoy doing it.

  • Roman S.


    Available N/A

    London, UK

    Former Yandex where I spear-headed their global anti-fraud system. Former Facebook.

Our rates

Not cheap. Worth every penny.

What to expect

Standard software engineering contract: 3-6 month engagement, 1 month notice, outside of IR-35 in the UK and we'll invoice weekly. Need something custom? Let's discuss.

What's included

  • undivided attention of a great engineer

  • experienced and capable team member

  • excellent and timely communication

  • robust and maintainable software

Median rate


daily rate for one person

Talk to us today!

There's only a few of us. If one takes on a contract, they are off the market until the product ships. Why wait? Fill in the form and let's chat. What could it hurt?

Postal address

Wimbledon, SW20

London, W14

Phone number
Max. 500 characters
Project length
Engineering budget

What category best describes required engagement

Project category

Rules of engagement

We typically dispatch a single engineer to emerse themselves in your code, business and way of running things. They are your engineer and part of your team. We don't double book - their time and effort will never be shared with any other customer.

Like our tech, we keep our legal footprint minimal and simple. We have a rather typical contract we prefer to use. It keeps us outside of IR35 in the UK (substitution clause, etc.) but otherwise have nothing out of the ordinary. Should you have custom requirements don't hesitate to bring those up and we'll be happy to run them by our accountants and legal. Things like compliance with certain ISOs etc are nothing unusual and never present a problem.

If you'd rather start with your own contract, that's usually fine as long as IP clauses are reasonable and we can comply with the UK tax requirements for contractors.


Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Reach out to us.

Can you be incentivised with equity?
This question comes up more often than you'd think. Our engineers have been offered equity options in the past and on one occasion a team member accepted and remained with the company as a contractor and a shareholder. Equity is no substitution for contract payments, but we always leave it up to our engineers to decide. There's a widespread misconception that contractors are somehow inferior or less reliable than staffers when it comes to equity compensation.
Are you open to acquihire offers?
Talent and unique experience like ours is in demand especially in FinTech, so the desire to do away with hiring in one decisive swoop is understandable. The few tentative inquiries we received in the past, however, weren't compelling enough for everyone on the team to agree. Doesn't hurt to talk to us.
Do you subcontract?
Absolutely. We don't much care where leads come from. Big contractor or recruiter unable to fill positions? As long as the pay matches our expectations and the product vision comes directly from the client, we can engage and attempt to accommodate your terms. Won't hurt to ask us.
Ambitious project. Can you get us more engineers?
More reason to talk to us early. We rarely commit more than 3 engineers to a project, but we have been writing Clojure in the industry for a decade and of course we've come to know some good people. Tell us about your product.
What timezones do you cover?
UK and Europe easy, since we are based in London, Lisbon, Barcelona, Georgia. US East Coast works really well given the time difference. US West Coast is more of a challenge and leads to a more asynchronous engagement but still gives an overlap of several hours. A couple of us are US based. South East Asia will be a challenge unless you're comfortable with a completely asynchronous team.
Our bank runs on .NET and CLR. Can you target that?
Absolutely. We love what Microsoft has done with .NET. Please note that we usually stay within .NET Core and have limited experience with Windows the platform. As long as the job remains mostly server-side we'd be perfect. Distributed systems, cluster computing, data ingestion and management systems, web services, etc. C#, F#, LINQ, web dev with SignalR or client-side with Blazor etc.
Can you help with AI and ML products?
Absolutely. Have you noticed we have a few top-notch data scientists and PhDs on the team? We have dedicated people who can train and fine-tune models. We launched several AI-powered products: EdTech generative agents; an NLP and ML powered investment research assistant and more. We know fundamentals and keep up with new developments in NN and LLM space. We are hands-on and can absolutely help you take a project off the ground be it internal tooling or customer facing offering.
Would you work on Web 3.0?
Web 3.0 is too broad a domain to give a definitive answer. We'll be extremely suspicious of any such project. There are legitimately interesting subdomains like distributed content addressed storage or self-sovereign identity, which we'd be thrilled to work on. We have hands on experience with one of the saner blockchain projects - Chia (XCH): its runtime and chialisp contract language. Alex S used to be a core contributor to Urbit with its plethora of home-grown DSLs. One of us built an Ethereum VM from the Yellow Paper and worked on small steps executable semantics for a blockchain runtime.

Vlad joined our team to help us hit a key milestone on time. He quickly got up to speed and was highly productive. His technical decision making and skills are excellent.

Pieter Berkelaar
CTO, Head of Product @ Previse

Vlad joined our team to help us hit a key milestone on time. He quickly got up to speed and was highly productive. His technical decision making and skills are excellent.

Niv Subramanian
Head of RBF @ Previse